
Degrees of risk: What Gen Z and employers think about education-to-career pathways…and how those views are changing

From American Student Assistance & Jobs for the Future: “There are some 11.4 million unfilled positions in the U.S. today, many of which do not require a degree. … At the same time, there is also a shift taking place among Gen Z youth, who are skeptical of the welltrodden high school-to-college route, but are unsure how to navigate the growing array of postsecondary education paths. … There is a desire from employers (68%) to hire from non-degree pathways. Yet, even though most employers (72%) don’t see a degree as a reliable signal for assessing the skills of a candidate, the majority (52%) still hire from degree programs because they believe it is a less risky choice when hiring.”

View the full article from American Student Assistance & Jobs for the Future.

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