
LinkedIn CEO Ryan Roslansky: Skills, not degrees, matter most in hiring

From Harvard Business Review: “Ryan Roslansky, CEO of LinkedIn, estimates there are roughly 10 billion years’ worth of work experience locked up in the heads of the site’s 875 million users. It’s LinkedIn’s job, Roslansky says, to tap into that massive skills base … ‘when the labor market is moving much quicker, we really need to figure out something to focus on. That alternative, flexible, accessible path is really going to be based on skills. And it’s not just about new entrants to the job market. One of the things we’ve been looking at recently in the LinkedIn data is the fact that if you take the same role from 2015 to 2022, roughly 25% of the skills that are required for that role have changed.’”

View the full article from Harvard Business Review.

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