5 things I will remember most about my internship. Here goes:
Start wide, then refineI learned the beginning stages of a branding project should be about exploration. I became enamoured with one design idea and got stuck. I watched senior designers at Kiosk explore a direction, put it aside and try some more. Now I let one concept feed the next.
Being part of a teamAt Kiosk I was right in the mix. I was impressed with the teamwork it takes to produce an entire project. It was cool to see every part of the process – strategy, creative, production and client presentations, too.
FIFA World Cup feverWhile we worked, the games played on big screens. There was an agency pool and everyone had a different country to cheer for. We even dressed up in our team’s colors and jerseys one day. Being from Texas, it was a whole new kind of football.
Everyday I learned something new Kiosk is a super talented group, and I’m happy I got to work with them this summer! I will miss walking into Kiosk’s creative offices every morning.
Magenta is the new blackIf you don’t know, you soon will.