The Kiosk team has been busy raising awareness and funds for our charity of the year, The Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
Kioskers dusted off their running shoes for the Marin County Marathon 5K race on Saturday, March 30th and raised $1,350 for breast cancer research. The event kicked off with a bagpiper leading the race participants to the start line, where Kiosk’s CEO Munir Haddad gave a rousing speech to the runners. Hundreds of runners participated and Kiosk’s team put in an impressive performance including several top 50 finishes.
The race was a great way to bring the team together for a good time in support of a great cause! Thank you to all our clients, family and friends that sponsored us. It’s not too late to show your support on our Donations page.
On Thursday, April 4th the Kiosk team drew more attention than usual in downtown Novato on “Hats for a Cure” day. Stylish stetsons, funny fedoras and sharky chapeaus were the order of the day, and Kiosk made a donation to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation for each Kiosker who kept their hat on all day. Prizes were awarded for the most amusing and creative headwear.
Kiosk is passionate about actively participating in our local community and supporting causes we care about. A big thank you to everyone who participated in our recent events.